CMS Future Farmers of America

FFA Membership Form
The Central Middle School FFA Chapter entered into its inaugural year at the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year. As a member of the largest student lead organization in the United States, CMS FFA is committed to the FFA motto of “Learning to do, Doing to learn, Earning to live, and Living to serve.” It is the focus of CMS FFA to provide students with premier opportunities to engage in and develop knowledge, skills, and experiences that relate to animal science, agricultural mechanics, natural resources, horticultural, and other divisions of agricultural industries. All students at CMS have the opportunity to become a member of the CMS FFA chapter. However, students who are enrolled in an agricultural education course have the unique opportunity to gain State and National FFA membership which in turn allows them the opportunity to compete in various Career/Leadership Development Events. A list of the CDE/LDE competitions the CMS FFA participates in can be found below:
Agricultural Technology and Equipment ID
Dairy Evaluation
FFA Creed Speaking
FFA Quiz
Land Evaluation
Lawnmower Operations
Livestock Evaluation
Nursery Landscape
Parliamentary Procedure
Poultry Evaluation
Prepared Public Speaking
Wildlife Management